What makes us stand out in the Google Ad Grants Certified Professionals community

What Makes Us Stand Out

Expertise, pricing, transparency & more.

We’ve explained what the Google Ad Grants Certified program is and how does it benefit us and our clients in this article. Now, that you understand, that choosing an Ad Grants Certified Professional to manage your account is a wise thing to do, you need to pick one that meets all of your expectations. We work with organizations of all sizes and have multiple competitive advantages that set us apart from other Certified Professionals:

  • We focus on Ad Grants

While this might sound obvious, not all Ad Grants Certified Professional agencies focus solely on Ad Grants. Larger agencies often require their clients to take more complex packages including SEO, email marketing, and other components. These additional services might work well in conjunction with Ad Grants but the focus of the agency team then often shifts away from Ad Grants and agency services are becoming increasingly expensive. At AboveX, Ad Grants is our primary focus and we do not require any other commitments.

  • Fair pricing & no setup fee

Our pricing is unique in the Ad Grants Certified Professionals community. We do not have any setup fee, unlike most other agencies. After the campaigns are created and go live, we charge 5-10% of the used Ad Grants amount (the percentage depends on the campaign complexity and is discussed upfront). We decided to use this pricing model because it eliminates upfront cost on your side (we start invoicing in the month following the month when the campaigns went live) and it helps us align our goals (high grant utilization and high conversion volume is our common goal). Last but not least, this approach is fair to small, local organizations where the campaign reach and cost are usually low, thus also lowering our fee.

  • Free account audit & initial consultation

We will audit your account and answer all your questions without any charge. Compliance, deactivated account, campaign performance problems, application problems – those are some of the areas we guide on frequently. We will be happy if you decide to have us manage your Ad Grants account but we will certainly not push you to any cooperation.

  • No long-term commitment

It is not uncommon for Ad Grants Certified Professional agencies to require a 6-month, in some cases a 12-month commitment. Generally speaking, it makes sense to manage and optimize campaigns on a long-term basis, it is, however, not always possible. Many nonprofit organizations run seasonal campaigns only, many only need short-term guidance and training and many simply do not have enough resources to commit for months. For these reasons we only require a short 3-month long commitment with a month-month contract afterwards. After the first 3 months, we are done with the basic optimization, the campaign performance usually stabilizes and the organization can easily evaluate the outcome of the cooperation and decide on the next steps.

  • Professional, senior account management

We do not employ any junior specialists. Not because we wouldn’t want to but simply because we are a small agency and all of our team members are senior search marketing specialists with years of experience. We also do not change account managers – your account will be built out and managed by the same person. That very person will be your point of contact, which eliminates the communication delay and space for errors.

  • 100% visibility to everything we do at all times

You might have heard stories about online marketing consultants that hide the data, restrict account access, and intentionally present incorrect, adjusted, or incomplete results. While I believe that none of the Ad Grants Certified Professional agencies does that, we try to take the extra step and be a leader on this front. That practically means that all of our clients have admin access to their Google Ads accounts, access to real-time campaign data in personalized Google Data Studio report, and receive detailed monthly commentary on campaign performance, changes, and next steps.

  • Everything we create together remains your property

If you decide to conclude the cooperation with our agency, we won’t make it difficult for you. We will simply unlink our agency account from your Ad Grants account and the account, including everything we’ve created for you, stays with you. You can continue to run the campaigns yourself or hand it over to a new manager. We often stay in touch with our former clients, provide on-demand consultations, guidance, or compliance oversight.

  • Google Certified Trainer For Nonprofits

For 3 consecutive years now, our founder Peter Sima has been selected by Google to be a Certified Trainer. This is a unique role in which he acts as a Google Ambassador, educates nonprofit leaders and marketers, and provides consultations to nonprofits that turn to Google for help. That not just allows Peter to pass his knowledge on but it also enables us to work closely with the Google team, co-produce the official support resources, get valuable feedback, get insights and influence the program development. AboveX Digital is the only Ad Grants Certified Professional agency with this level of integration with the Google Team and we always try to bring the benefits of this unique partnership back to our clients.

  • Own tools & scripts

Ad Grants accounts are fundamentally different from commercial accounts which limits the usage of standard PPC automation tools and scripts. We understand the technicalities behind these accounts and we’ve internally developed a range of tools and scripts that help us audit and manage Ad Grants accounts, monitor the compliance, and implement compliance fixes in an automated manner. These tools are separately adjusted for each account and help us perform routine tasks more precisely and efficiently, thus leaving us with more time for strategic tasks and testing.

Contact us today to schedule your free Ad Grants consultation. We will take a look at your account, discuss your situation, the problems, and optimization opportunities.

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Užitočné Ad Grants tipy a triky

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Sme medzi top 3% Google Partnerov.

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Maximalizujte Výťažok Z 2%!

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Ad Grants vs. Komerčný Google Ads

Spoznajte výhody a nevýhody.

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Prehľad, výhody & naše tipy.

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Rozbehnite Kampane K 2% S Našou Pomocou

Aktualizácia pre rok 2025.

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