
Google Ad Grants Certified Professionals

All you need to know.

A few years back we were invited by Google to become one of the very first Google Ad Grants Certified Professional agencies. We took the opportunity, completed the onboarding, and passed the certification process. Why does it matter and how it helps us serve our clients? Read on.

What is it?

Google Ad Grants Certified Professionals is a community of agencies and individual marketing consultants that was designed by Google to enhance the Ad Grants experience. To be considered for the program, these certified consultants need to demonstrate their Ad Grants management expertise, manage several accounts, and follow Google’s best-practices. Besides that, Google also evaluates the business model of each consultant and requires all applicants to complete a series of online training. After successful certification, consultants are listed in Google’s directory of certified professionals and recommended by Google on various events, forums, and in other support resources. Members of the Certified Professional community can publicly demonstrate their status by using the following badge:


Why does it matter to us?

This unique program has many benefits for us as well as for our clients. From our perspective, we see the biggest value in:

  • Close Cooperation with the Google Ad Grants Team

Regular calls, education, office hours, priority support, early access to new features, ability to participate in the future of the program & much more. This partnership really helps us stay at the top of the program. Besides, our founder Peter Sima is Google Partners Trainer for Nonprofits and these invaluable insights obtained directly from Google help him educate a wide array of nonprofit leaders and marketers.

  • The Community

All Google Ad Grants Certified Professionals are part of a welcoming and sharing community. We discuss the recent development of the program, collectively solve bugs and problems, share experience, and more. That helps us adopt best practices, prevent problems, and overall serve our clients better.

  • Promotion

Google trusts us and recommends us in their official help resources. That is the best seal of quality we could wish for. Google never recommends one concrete Google Ad Grants Certified Professional but rather refers to their directory of certified professionals as each consultant is different, serves different countries, languages, provides other additional services, etc. AboveX Digital has a number of competitive advantages that set us apart from other Certified Professionals. I’ve summarized them in this blog post.

Why should it matter to you?

Now you understand why it is beneficial for us to be part of the community of Certified Professionals. We constantly try to pass as much of those benefits as we can to our clients. Here are the top reasons why you should rely on Certified Professional with the management of your Ad Grants account:

  • Demonstrated expertise

Google evaluates the performance of accounts managed by each Certified Professional as well as the adoption of best practices. Only consultants with demonstrated performance track are accepted in the program, which guarantees the highest quality of the Ad Grants management service.

  • Continuous support & education

Certified Professionals have access to the latest Ad Grants resources and training material. They can also use a priority support line, which helps them resolve their clients’ problems faster.

  • Access to the latest features

Google often experiments with new features. Certified Professionals and their clients are usually the first ones to be able to test them out. These new features typically help clients outperform their competitors in the ad auction.

  • Exceptions

Google Ad Grants program has many rules and compliance requirements. Some organizations, however, simply do not fit in and need to get a custom exception. Certified Professionals can ask the Ad Grants Team for such an exception. While in some cases it might be possible to get it via regular support too, from our experience it isn’t always possible.

  • Ability to influence the future of the program

Google regularly asks Certified Professionals for their feedback and suggestions and thus enables them to shape the future of the program. We collect questions and improvement ideas from our clients and submit them to Google. That way we want to make sure that also our clients have an opportunity to influence the future of the program.


The Google Ad Grants Certified Professional status isn’t just another partner badge that anyone can receive. It is proof of demonstrated experience that adds a lot of value to both the client and the consultant. Google’s directory of certified professionals. should be the first stop for every nonprofit organization considering to hire a professional Ad Grants manager.

AboveX Digital is a stable member of the Google Ad Grants Certified Professional community and has been one of the very first certified agencies. We set ourselves apart from other Certified Professionals by our knowledgeable senior account managers, fair pricing with no setup fee, no long-term commitment, 100% transparency & own proprietary tools and scripts that we use in accounts under our management. We’ve explained what makes us stand out in the Google Ad Grants Certified Professionals community in this blog article.

Contact us today to get your questions about the Certified Professional program answered and to receive a free Ad Grants consultation.

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Rozbehnite Kampane K 2% S Našou Pomocou

Aktualizácia pre rok 2025.

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