google certified trainer

We Have A Google Certified Trainer

Our founder Peter Sima was selected again.

We are thrilled to announce, that our founder & senior consultant Peter Sima was selected to be a Google Certified Trainer for Nonprofits in 2023! As a Google Certified Trainer, he will be able to educate nonprofit leaders and marketers for the fifth year in a row. This year he succeeded in the tough competition of over 250 experienced applicants.

What is it?

Google Certified Trainers are Google’s ambassadors who educate professionals as well as the general public on how to use Google’s tools and solutions to work more efficiently. The aim is to share best practices and teach skills that will accelerate the process of digital transformation.

Google Trainers organize their own events (currently mostly online events), speak on workshops and events organized by Google, share their knowledge, get insights from Google, and much more.

Google runs many educational activities in a variety of different areas, for different audiences, and in different countries. To help them achieve their ambitious educational goals, they appoint trainers and ambassadors, who teach and actively organize educational events in their communities. Each trainer educates in his/her field of expertise, gets access to data and support from Google.

Google recognized Peter Sima’s experience in Google for Nonprofits products and allowed him to continue educating the nonprofit market also in 2023, which we are very happy about.

Why does it matter?

We think this is wonderful news not just for us but also for all of our clients. Here’s why:

  • Trainers have access to data, conferences, product roadmaps, and other support from Google. That information can be used in client’s accounts to maximize campaign efficiency.
  • Trainers network with and talk to a large number of organizations. That feedback helps us better understand what needs to be done to serve our clients better.
  • Trainers speak on events on regular basis. That helps Peter master the presentation skills and create content, that we can internally use to educate our clients.
  • Trainers have the opportunity to co-develop educational material with Google. That content can be enhanced with our client’s case studies, which, in turn, might help our clients generate positive PR.
  • Trainers might invite their clients to conferences and other events. Free pass and the ability to present the organization in front of fellow professionals might also be a nice benefit.


We believe, that the Google Ad Grants Certified Professional status of our agency and the presence of Google Certified Trainer for Nonprofits on our team are the top quality seals a marketing agency specializing in nonprofit marketing can receive. We are very thankful to Google for their continued trust and support.

Present times are challenging for most nonprofit organizations. We believe that education and efficient use of Ad Grants and other marketing channels is the key ingredient to a swift recovery.

We continue to support and educate nonprofit organizations in every way we can. As a part of that initiative, our founder, Peter Sima, provides free Ad Grants consultations. You can schedule your free consultation here.

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Užitočné Ad Grants tipy a triky

Sme Google Premier Partner Roku 2024
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Sme Google Premier Partner Roku 2024

Sme medzi top 3% Google Partnerov.

Čítať viac
Overte Svoj Ad Grants Účet
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Overte Svoj Ad Grants Účet

Sprievodca overením inzerenta v Google Ads.

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TechSoup vs. Percent
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TechSoup vs. Percent

Goodstack, nový overovací partner Googlu.

Čítať viac
Google Ad Grants Webinár
  • Ad Grants
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Google Ad Grants Webinár

Maximalizujte Výťažok Z 2%!

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Ad Grants vs. Komerčný Google Ads
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Ad Grants vs. Komerčný Google Ads

Spoznajte výhody a nevýhody.

Čítať viac
PMax Kampane Teraz Už Aj V Google Ad Grants
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PMax Kampane Teraz Už Aj V Google Ad Grants

Prehľad, výhody & naše tipy.

Čítať viac
Percent Má Nové Meno: Goodstack
  • Ad Grants
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Percent Má Nové Meno: Goodstack

Čo to pre vás znamená?

Čítať viac
Rozbehnite Kampane K 2% S Našou Pomocou
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Rozbehnite Kampane K 2% S Našou Pomocou

Aktualizácia pre rok 2025.

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