Case Study Danubiana - AboveX Digital

Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum

Z 0 online marketingu k 70% návštevnosti cez Ad Grants kampane.


Danubiana is one of the youngest museums of modern art in Europe. It is based on the island in the middle of Danube close to Bratislava and borders of Austria and Hungary. Complex consist of a gallery of contemporary art, sculpture park, Art Shop and Art Café. Exhibited collections were provided by top Slovak artists and private resources of Dutch art patron Gerard H. Meulensteen.

  • Website:
  • Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Cooperation period: 2015 – ongoing

“ AboveX Digital helped us get the Ad Grant, create online campaigns and understand the analytics behind. His expertise yield into tripling our website traffic and a significant increase in ticket sales“ – Martina Polakovicova, Marketing Director


Marketing Goals

  • Increase ticket sales
  • Increase sales of in-house Art Shop
  • Drive traffic to website and social networks to boost brand awareness in the Bratislava region
  • Present Museum to foreign visitors
  • Increase the number of reviews on Tripadvisor

Success Metrics

  • Drive 100,000 relevant visits to the website in the first 12 months
  • Show Danubiana ads at least 2 000 000 times in first 12 months
  • Increase both the number of tickets sold and art shop revenue by 20% within the first 12 months

Case Study Danubiana - AboveX Digital Overview

Initial Situation

Before joining the Ad Grants program, Danubiana relied mostly on traditional marketing channels including print campaigns and PR. Despite initial success, limited human and financial resources left Danubiana struggling with continuously attracting new visitors.

New online marketing strategy created by AboveX Digital around Google Ad Grants campaigns enabled Danubiana to reach thousands of new website visitors, increase the number of museum visitors, art shop sales as well as downloads of digital resources – immediately, in a measurable and scalable way, without any commercial media budget.

Impact of Google Ad Grants

Google Ad Grants helped Danubiana increase ticket sales by almost 25%, generate over 3mil. unique ad impressions and more than 130,000 clicks to their website in the first 12 months alone. Art Shop sales accelerated as well as a result of increased foot traffic.

Thanks to campaign success Danubiana was in 2016 rewarded by Google Ad Grant Plus. A new $40.000 monthly marketing budget is currently being used to attract foreign visitors – English speaking tourists as well as Austrians and Hungarians living close by. Campaigns now bring over 70% of highly-relevant traffic and according to internal surveys oftentimes work as a first medium presenting the gallery to new visitors.

Following this success, Danubiana in cooperation with AboveX Digital is further expanding its online presence in new markets and languages to ultimately become a major tourist spot in the Bratislava region.

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